Pro Resources
View and download tech and safety data sheets, product literature, educational tools and more! Learn about our exclusive Pro Sampling Program to try our sealants on your next job.
Homeowner Resources
Whether you’re an experienced DIYer or just learning how to caulk we’ve got you covered! Discover all the various places to seal around a home and learn how-to fix your problems easily.
Caulk Talk
How to Prevent Paint From Cracking Over Sealant
Why does Paint Crack when you paint over sealant? There it is. Your beautiful siding job marred by paint cracking. It’s…
Repair and Prevent Leaks on the Homestead
A Lexel case study- Meet Cole. He’s a law enforcement officer as well as a homesteader who lives in a…
How One Man Stopped an Active Leak from Ruining a Date with His Future Wife!
A Lexel case study- A Love Story. Lexel is for lovers, and we have a story to prove it. It’s…
Log Blog
Northland Blasting & Restoration Expert Tips for Getting started as a log home Contractor
Derek Brekke feature Every month we feature a contractor, business, or success story. After all, learning from each other is…
Preventing Blisters in Sealants
Preventing Blisters in Sealants Blisters in sealants aren’t uncommon, but they can be avoided and are fairly simple to fix….
What to Look for in a Log Contractor-11 Tips
Considering a little log home maintenance? Maybe a larger-scale restoration or renovation is in your future. Home improvement TV shows…
We’re family run and having a ton of fun!
We’re an 87 years-young family company that geeks out over a better way to caulk and stain. Making a ‘Good, Better, Best’ product range just doesn’t turn our crank. We’re passionate about making the highest performance product possible for each project.

Talk with a real human!
We’re here to help see your project through to the end.
Not sure which sealant, caulk, or other product is right for your job? Looking for the nearest location to buy products for your next home project? Don’t know exactly how to tackle your repair? We’re here to help.