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How-To Articles & Videos
Yeah, log homes are beautiful and you love yours. But we doubt you’re just hankerin’ to do a log cabin project every weekend. Here are resources to help you get a beautiful log or wood home without spending your life working on it.
Find A Contractor
Need help finding a log home finishing contractor? Good news, we have you covered! This is not another list of every contractor who has ever looked at a log home. This is a list of contractors who specialize in log home finishing and restoration.

How much stain or chinking do I need?
Use our handy calculator so you know how much to buy.
Using Log Sealants
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Log How-to & Product Catalog
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Not sure which sealant, caulk, or other product is right for your job? Looking for the nearest location to buy products for your next home project? Don’t know exactly how to tackle your repair? We’re here to help.

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