Choosing the Right Sealant in a Time of Shortages.
Macro trends we’re seeing right now
We are all experiencing product shortages caused by disruptions to the supply chain and a lack of labor in the workplace.
The result is empty shelf space.

How do you navigate this?
- Instead of calendar-driven resets, be nimble around your supply flow. Consider quarterly resets or just allocating a portion of shelf space to in and out products that you place as you secure.
- Bring in off-shelf products to fill gaps in your assortment temporarily.
- Offer store associate and shopper education on products that can be substituted, via email, website, and in-store communication.
Sashco is here to help!
- See this webinar and tech bulletin explaining sealant technology swaps pros can make as they navigate shortages.
- Print this Sealant Technology Swap Cheat Sheet for in aisle.