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The Ultimate Guide to Stain Maintenance for Log Homes.

Keeping your log home beautiful and protected is a big deal. You’ve invested too much to skimp when it comes to stain maintenance. Consistent maintenance inspections and routine reapplication of stain or clear coats where needed, when needed, are the key to keeping your dream log home, well, dreamy.

That said, how many times have you thought, “I should really get this project done around the house,” and then put it off another year?

We won’t require you to answer (because then we’d have to admit the same thing ourselves…eek!)

The fact is, delaying maintenance just one year could mean the difference between one weekend and $500 in routine stain and caulking maintenance work and a $25,000 take-it-back-to-bare-wood restain job. Phew. No one wants that.

Do your semi-annual maintenance checks and keep the work, and the cost, in the Easy Zone.

Here’s the low down.

When To Do Them

Spring: Look for winter damage from sitting snow, freezing water, chimney use, etc. and ready the home for hot summer temperatures and UV exposure.

Fall: Look for summer damage from driving rains, high temperatures, and summer bugs and ready the home for cold winter temperatures.

Tools of a Good Maintenance Check

  1. A rough sketch of the walls of the home, labeled North, South, East, West, garage, etc., with space to note maintenance needs on each side.
  2. Blue painter’s tape to mark locations needing attention.
  3. A camera, digital or your phone, to take pictures of areas where you might have questions or want to discuss further with someone.
  4. This Maintenance Guide

Once you know what needs to be maintained, it is easier to put together a plan of attack to get the necessary work done in the least amount of time. It will also help you be prepared with the right tools and products when you go back to do the repairs. Use products made for the specific application.

What to Look For

Start from the top and work your way down. Below is a list of items to look for and mark.


Contact a professional if you’re not sure of the extent of any damage. Contact us for resources.




Windows & Sills


Contact a professional foundation specialist if you’re not sure of the extent of any damage. Contact us for resources.



Patio & On the Ground

One or two weekends a year should do the trick if you’re doing routine maintenance. Schedule it ahead of time and be sure to stock up on your favorite snacks to keep you motivated.

When done, kick back and enjoy your (not-so-hard) work.