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Caulking Tips: How to Use Backer Rod.

The secret money saving tool with most any caulking job is backer rod.

Insert backer rod for best caulk performance. Insert backer rod to create best joint design and save money on caulk.

It can go by many names: pre-caulking filler rope, Grip Strip, backer foam. What is backer rod, and how in the world does it help you save money? Read on to learn!

Insert it into all caulk joints that are 1/4″ wide and 1/2″ deep or larger.


1) It fills the joint so you use less caulk (read: saves you $$$); and

Caulk stretches better and lasts longer with backer rod. Caulk stretches better and lasts longer with backer rod.

2) It creates the ideal joint design, allowing the caulk to stretch properly so it won’t rip or tear, which helps you avoid re-doing the work (read: saves you $$$ AND time).

What types of backer rod are there, and where do I use them?

Sashco’sĀ Filler Ropeā„¢(shown in picture above):

Closed cell round:

Grip Strip:

Open cellĀ round: