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The Ultimate Guide to Lurking Termite, Rot, and Water Damage.

Termite trouble, rot, and water damage. Call us crazy, but we’re betting this troublesome trio probably wasn’t part of the vision when you imagined your dream log home. Good news! Protecting your log home dream is possible. Check out this month’s “Here to help!» article for tips on how to save money, protect your home, and prevent big-time headaches!

Step one in any rot prevention plan is good building design. We won’t spend much time on that in this article, except to cover these basics:

  1. Incorporate large (2-3 ft. or wider!) eaves and overhangs into your design. Wrap around porches are even better.
  2. Don’t skip gutters and downspouts.
  3. Keeping logs well above the ground – 18″ is a minimum.
  4. Prevent direct moisture from getting on the logs when at all possible.

If you’re building a new log home, GREAT! Incorporate these items into your design. If you’re restoring an older log home, design changes are a much bigger task. Give us a call. We’d be happy to refer you to qualified contractors who can give you an idea of the changes necessary to protect your home.

Step two in any rot and insect prevention plan is simple: borate-based wood preservatives. This is where we’ll spend our time today.

Before staining your new log home, or after stripping the logs when restoring an existing home, apply preservatives while the logs are still bare. These borate-based preservatives are designed to protect your wood from rot and wood-ingesting insects. Adding this affordable step at the beginning can save you time and money (not to mention headaches) down the road.

Tim-bor-bucket-and-packageThere are two main types of whole-home preservatives on the market: borate-based powders that are mixed with water, then sprayed on your home (like Tim-bor®); or, borate-based products that are mixed in a liquid glycol-carried formula and applied directly out of the container. Research has proven that there is no difference in penetration between water-carried products like
Tim-bor® and their glycol counterparts.

DSC03462-cross sectionBorate-based rods, such as Cobra™ Rods, are also extremely effective at staving off rot and decay. Borate-based rods are available in a variety of sizes to fit any application. These rods are ideal for placement in areas of wood homes that are at higher risk for decay, like base wood courses, corner construction, exposed purlins or rafters, exposed log railings, and below windows, doors, or dormers—especially when regularly subjected to high volumes of water. They are very easy to install! Simply drill a hole, install the rod, and seal with caulking. As always, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended placement instructions.

Both borates and Cobra Rods are «cheap insurance» against very costly log replacement. And since application and installation is so easy, it seems almost silly to skip it.

For more info about borates, be sure to contact our friendly, knowledgeable, and altogether awesome Customer Service Team. They’ll work with you through the particulars of your project and help you put in place a plan of attack (including borates) that will net you the results you want – a beautifully protected home that makes the neighbors jealous. (A little vanity isn’t so bad, right?)

You can do this!