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Keep the Color the Color

Colorfast Pre-Stain Base Coat delivers the ideal canvas for stain application and leaves behind the strong foundation necessary for long-lasting color. It’s color confidence for your log home.

Prevent the blotchiness that occurs by filling the pores to create a smoother surface and a more even stain application. Great for blasted, rough-sawn, knotty pine, or milled logs. It also prevents a picture-frame effect on interior wood.

1gal $73.99 USD
5gal $332.99

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This is Why You Should Use Colorfast

Keeps the color the color More Info

Lignin (wood cell glue) stabilizers prevent the yellowing and darkening of the wood itself over time, which in turn prevents color shifts in the stain applied over top. Light colors stay light and darker colors don’t shift too dark.

Reduces blotchiness More Info

Fills pores for a smoother surface and more even stain application. Great for blasted, rough-sawn, knotty pine, or milled logs.

Prevents picture-frame effect on interior wood More Info

Apply on bare wood on the interior of the home and under Sashco’s Symphony interior clear coat to avoid yellowing around wall décor.

Seals log ends More Info

When applied heavily on log ends, prevents over-penetration of stain and log ends that are darker than the rest of the logs.

How much Colorfast do I need?

Use our handy Caulkulator (also for stains and clear coats!) to enter your square footage and wood porosity to find out how much you’ll need.

Using Log Sealants

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Colorfast Pre-Stain Base Coat Staining 101

The journey to your dream log home has been marked by years of planning, sweat, and months of anticipation. You’re almost there. Properly prepping wood before staining is crucial for achieving a smooth, even finish and preventing blotchiness. Colorfast Pre-Stain Base Coat helps condition the wood by sealing porous areas, ensuring consistent stain absorption for a richer, more uniform color.

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