Stucco Repairs Are Made Easy With Mor-Flexx.

We know renovating a home is a lot of work, especially on a home that was built in the early 1900s! But Michelle Colvin and her husband, Casey Colvin with Heritage Roofing & Contracting, were up for the task.
The original property, built in 1920, was built with shiplap board covered with stucco, and clearly, it wasn’t maintained. Fast forward a century, and you know what that means – cracks, and lots of them. It was structurally sound, but visually, it was all broken up.
Because Casey is a roofer and contractor and has used the product on other projects, he immediately turned to: Mor-Flexx, an acrylic based caulk that quickly repairs crumbling mortar or cracked stucco with a lasting, weatherproof seal. And, better yet, it delivers that realistic textured matte finish that can easily be painted, which worked perfectly for this project.

Michelle explained, “(We) wanted to fix up the place, but obviously we didn’t want to do anything with siding. So, we took Mor-Flexx to kind of fill in those cracks and minimize some visual impacts so that when we painted, the texture wouldn’t stand out whereas normal caulking would’ve left lines.”
Then, there was another roadblock – a giant, 2 ft x 4 ft, rectangular flat surface where a window used to be – how the heck are you supposed to blend that in?
Well, the answer is: hard work, quadrants, and a whole lot of Mor-Flexx.

Michelle had the innovative idea to split the area up into four quadrants and add the Mor-Flexx while spreading it with her hands and a trowel. After drying, she’d come back to make more artistic additions to the area and to blend it better.
Michelle recalls, “I didn’t really know what the heck to do with that and so I literally was just applying the Mor-Flexx with the gun and I took my hand and was kind of pushing it in. I mean, it doesn’t look perfect, but relative to the flat, very obvious difference that existed before, it looks much better.”
Spreading the caulk was the biggest challenge, but once it was set, painting was a breeze. After painting, the repair was near flawless, and it’s held up since – no cracks, no pulling, no failures – a renovator’s dream!
Using Mor-Flexx, a product that Michelle and Casey have confidence in, made the project a lot easier, and they have confidence it’ll hold up in the long-term. What renovations await you?