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Stoney Ridge’s Expert Tips for Your Dream Log Home.


Every month we feature a contractor, business, or success story. After all, learning from each other is one of the best ways to grow. Up this month: David Lynch with Stoney Ridge Log Homes in Kitnersville, PA. David knows his stuff and is one of the best log homeowner educators out there. Keep reading for more details on how he got started and what’s helped make him successful.


Say hello to David Lynch with Stoney Ridge Log Homes up in Kitnersville, PA.

David knows his stuff and is one of the best log homeowner educators out there. We hopped on a phone call, shot the breeze for a while (that’s easy to do with David), learned some about his business, and enjoyed getting to know David a bit more.

How’d you get started in log home finishing?

Actually, I started when I was about 16. Someone in the church I was attending was building a log home and asked me for help. I continued to help others with their builds over the years. Soon enough, word got out. So, since 1985, I’ve been building. I started up the restoration business in mid-90s. There weren’t many homes being built and older homes had terrible stuff on them and were in horrible shape. Restoration now makes up 80% of our work. My crew and I do work throughout 5 states now and have traveled all the way to California and Colorado for special jobs. We’ve also worked on some of the historic cabins in Yellowstone National Park.

What’cha doing now?

A big part of what I’m doing now is consultation. Homeowners get an expert (that’s me) to educate them and help them make informed decisions or better manage their contractors. I’m doing mini Zero Failures classes with these people. I bring shopping carts full of information with me. I use the Zero Failures book to keep me on track, walk them through everything, then they get a chance to chew on that a bit and decide if the DIY route or hiring me is the route they want to go. 

What’s your favorite part of restoring log homes?

The customers faces when it’s all done. They’re happy, which makes me happy.

What’s your least favorite part of restoring log homes?

The challenges can be unpredictable and, somehow, we have to be prepared for those challenges at all times.

What’s your advice to someone first starting out in the business?

Be patient and kind with both your employees and customers. Most importantly, be honest. You’ll be tempted to sell a story to people. Never sell them a story. I always want to tell them the truth and want them to understand that we’ll get through it together. We won’t leave them out to dry. We’ll get them where they want to be. Almost every day, I talk to people who are not informed about what’s going on with their home. I spend hours on the phone educating people. It’s satisfying to tell them the truth and know their home will be cared for.

What’s the future look like?

Collin Lynch graduated from Zero Failures in January this year. Colorado is a long way to go, but well worth the trip! More trained staff, means high quality restorations for our clients. We are lining up work for the winter and are excited for the future. 

Thanks for chatting with us for a bit, David.

Reach out to David to learn more about his business:

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Christian Ethridge